/Top European countries in terms of Facebook users

Top European countries in terms of Facebook users

These are the top European countries in terms of Facebook users (in brackets, the percentage of their population using Facebook):

UK: 14.9 million (24%)
Turkey: 7.9 (11%)
France: 6.6 (10%)
Italy: 5.6 (9%)
Spain: 2.6 (6%)
Denmark: 1.8 (33%)
Sweden: 1.7 (18%)
Belgium: 1.7 (16%)
Norway: 1.5 (31%)
Germany: 1.3 (2%)
Switzerland: 1.1 (14%)
Greece: 1 (9%)
Israel: 0.9 (12%)
Serbia: 0.6 (6%)
The Netherlands: 0.4 (2%)

Wikipedia por the world population
Facebook users

What looks quite interesting:
– Germany and The Netherlands have very few users. It is true there is StudiVZ (8 million users) and Hyves (5 million users), but I also think that Germans don’t like social networks so much.
– The top countries are the Scandinavian, so there is a relationship between number of Internet users and number of Facebook users.
– As Matt Dickman reports, Facebook’s population is getting older, as the network gets more popular.