/Brand or local business (or place) profile?

Brand or local business (or place) profile?

One of the biggest confusions users have when creating profiles on the Alianzo platform is whether they should use a (local) brand one or a local business one. As we have global and local brands, some users think that everything which is not global becomes a local brand. But there is a very clear difference: a brand has a name which is not related to a specific position (with a localisation) and local businesses are mainly a place.

Why did we establish this difference? It has a lot to do with the fact that we are ranking FourSquare and Google+ places, so we needed a different type of profile for business that have these data. This is the case of stadiums, museums, local events or shops, which do actually market only to people living in their surroundings.

If you doubt which type of profile you should use, try to think if your customers are only in a certain metropolitan area and they can easily check in your place. If that is the case, you’d better choose a local business. If your company is marketing to people in a whole region or country, even if it only has one physical establishment, you should select the brand option. By the way, this works exactly in the same way on Facebook (did they copy us?).