/The Netherlands has the highest penetration for Linkedin and Twitter

The Netherlands has the highest penetration for Linkedin and Twitter

Which country has the highest penetration for Linkedin and Twitter? According to ComScore, it’s not the US, nor Brazil (leader in terms of social networking usage), but the Netherlands. How come? Probably, a higher professional usage of social networks has a lot to do.

Facebook (and local leader Hyves) are very general social networks, as compared to Twitter and Facebook. Besides, there are a lot of user os social networking sites in the Netherlands: 11.5 million in Mach 2001, which represents 96% of the online population (11.9 million).

The big rivalry between Germans, where Xing is the leading professional network, and Dutch might also explain Linkedin’s prominence in The Netherlands. In any case, the top ten countries in Linkedin penetration are either English-speaking or in Western Europe.