Changes to Twitter and Linkedin factors

We have made some changes to some of the factors of our Twitter and Linkedin rankings. As of Twitter we are now taking into account all retweets from the last 40 tweets which are not…

Top NGOs on Social Media

On these dates that all the media bombard us with idyllic images of what Christmas should be, from Alianzo, we have wanted to show the other side of reality through our business. An other reality…

Top watch manufacturers on Social Media

Now we all are madly looking for that incredible gift that could make us succeed during Christmas. That´s why we wanted to talk about a classic present of these especial dates, which a lot of…

Top airlines on social media

Airlines have catched up with social media. They use it mainly to send information and offers and for customer care. All the world's top airlines are on every social media and they have big teams…

MLB teams in Social Media

As the Major League Baseball has already begun, from Alianzo, we have wanted to analyze the activity of all the teams in Social Media. It is remarkable that all of them have profiles in the…

Ibex 35 companies and Social Media

Last week the Ibex 35 closed every session positive, reaching maximum levels never before registered since 2011. It´s important to point out that the Spanish stock index is integrated by the 35 companies with larger…

There is a lot of money to be…

I spent the last weekend of July in Avallon (Burgundy, France) at Kinnernet Europe. Besides connecting with lots of people and having a great time, I could learn some things regarding the sharing economy, new…

VKontakte gets 49 million visitors per month

VKontakte is clearly leading social networks in Russia, with 49.2 million unique visitors in July, according to ComScore. This is why we added VKontakte to Alianzo's tops some days ago. Facebook is far behind with…

Social Sharing is the new Web 2.0

Every 6 years there is a new trend hitting the digitizing process that the Internet is introducing everywhere in the economy. The first one was the Web itself, later came the portals with its dotcom…