/The credibility of the blogger and his/her holidays

The credibility of the blogger and his/her holidays

What is more reliable, a blog or the traditional press? This is the question that Eva Domínguez puts forward in the magazine if (pay-to-use) of Infonomía. And, as it normally happens, there isn’t only one answer. A blogger is more reliable if he or she proves to deserve that reputation. The traditional media has proved so.A blogger that has spent a couple of years writing about certain topic is probably the most reliable reference as far as that topic is concerned. Users can catch up with it reading that blog. That’s why bloggers don’t have holidays: they have to gain respect all through the year.An idea that hasn’t been dealt with in the article, even though it is closely related to this topic, is the succession of the blogger. Newspapers are credible as brands, not because of their journalists, and that allows them to take turns. But when it comes to bloggers, the only brand is themselves, so what happens when they go on holidays or they get tired or ill?Lack of updating harms the credibility of the blog and exasperated the readers. If you want to corroborate this, just ask Martín Varsavsky and Enrique Dans, who don’t have it easy lately due to family and work affairs. Consequently, their blogs suffer and loose influence and reputation. Well, at least, they are loosing points.This is when bloggers should be substituted. In order to maintain the credibility, it is vital to find the formula to make a blog survive despite the personal circumstances of its author. Collective blogs, like Microsiervos or Barrapunto, don’t have this problem. Neither do those personal blogs that develop themselves so that a group of assistants substitute their author.