Will 2006 be the year of the wikis?

Last Tuesday I was asked to make the forecast for the year 2006 in the conference about social software organized by Juan Carlos González from eDonostia. I said that Microsiervos will beat Barrapunto (if the…

Google Base and social trade

Google?s strength in so different fields such as telephones, news, photography, blogs, E-mail or advertising is out of this world, unless we compare it to Microsoft in the mid 90?s. The latest innovation is Google…

Spanish blogs’ ranking

We have published a ranking of Spanish blogs. It is a list made starring from an algorithm which processes and weights the data obtained from services such as Technorati, Google, Yahoo!, Alexa and Bloglines. This…

So now blogs are healthy!

The last thing a blogger needs to be told is that maintaining his blog not only is amusing (and sometimes profitable), but also it can be healthy. And I'm not joking. It is claimed by…

New blogs in Alianzo’s network

We keep increasing our network of blogs. Though Alianzo is not a 'blogs company', we keep developing products in this field. Most of them are niche blogs, as they cover very specific issues which were…