/How many social networks can survive?

How many social networks can survive?

tom andersonIf Google+ becomes mainstream, does that mean that Facebook will not stand up? How many social networks can survive at the same time. Not many. People don’t want to belong to several networks at the same time, as that is not easy to manage. We all go out in the same place, once we get accustomed to it. That explains why once Facebook becomes the main network, second networks start dying.

At least, that’s what I think. Nevertheless, Tom Anderson, founder of MySpace, does not think the same. This is what he says: “I don’t think social networking is a zero sum game. I suspect that people believe that social networking is a winner take all endeavor, because they mistakenly assume people left MySpace for Facebook. Facebook didn’t kill Myspace; MySpace committed suicide through continual mismanagement. (For what it’s worth, I include myself in that group of mismanagers and I don’t mean to blame any single individual—the troubles were tremendous”.

He also expalins, Friendster’s death in the same terms: “Likewise, MySpace did not kill Friendster—Friendster had its own set of problems. If they’d been corrected, I believe both MySpace and Facebook would have thrived as different types of social networks. (In fact, Friendster basically would have been Facebook—a real name network, focused on real-world relationships for efficient communication.)”